Saturday, April 24, 2010

Yaaaaaa...another blog done on the right day!

It was one of those days where it didn't have a big impact. It wasn't everywhere i looked. It wasn't around me everywhere. I didn't have a deep desire for was great!

Day 13!

Well today was a busy one! I'm not going to waste any time and jump right into it (mainly cause it's 12 o'clock a.m. and i have to wake up at 6:30 to pick up Brenden, get breakfast and be at church by 7:45). I was able to sleep until about 10:00 which was nice after getting to bed around 2 in the morning last night. After i woke up i met Kristi, Kara, Aaron (a friend of Kara's) and Kristi's mom at the mall. They were doing some wedding shopping. After we were done there we went to get some new disc golf disc's because we were all going to play at Meadow brook today but we didn't have a disc for everyone. So.....we got a couple used disc's and i got myself a brand new disc! I was so happy. My first brand new disc. I got a Star Orc. I love it. Anyways when we left Play It Again Sports everyone had a disc to use. Everyone was hungry, except me, so we went back to the mall so they could eat lunch. From there we went to Meadow brook and played a round of disc golf. We had a blast. Unfortunately, because i was breaking in a new disc, i went 3 over on the course. Not great but not bad.

From there the family parted ways to head back to EC and we went back to Aaron's house. Kristi took a nap and i wrote yesterdays blog and did some other stuff on the computer. From there i got ready to go to church to help lead worship at the Frank Reynold's Focus On event that Christ's Church hosted (which went amazing). Frank brought down the house. In a nut shell he told us as leaders of our church's we need to: 1)Focus on the Challenge (God's commission to us to reach those who don't know Christ), 2)Focus on Culture (know the environment and culture around us to be able to make things appealing and relevant to the people around us) and 3) Focus on Creativity (make sure that we are not doing the same old things, instead try new, exciting things that will make people curious and wanting to be involved). Everyone involved did a great job. After that i helped clean up and then head back to the house to hang out with Kristi. On the way she had me stop and pick her up some grub for her cause she had been at the house for like 4 hours with no car and not much to eat.

When i got home we hung out for a while. Aaron came home about 10:30 from being at the beach after prom. We all have been hanging out for a little while and we have had a great day but it's time for bed! Goodnight until tomorrow!

I hope most of the day's are more like today....that would be nice. 13 down....still quit a few to go!

"The best thing a young man can do now to ensure a good relationship with his future wife is learn how to honor and respect the women God has already put in his life-namely, his mom and sister. As kinky as it sounds, he can prepare today for a great sex life later by learning how to love his mother and sister! Why? Because great sex is the by-product of a great relationship." -Andy Stanley