Tuesday, May 4, 2010

It's to late for this...i need to be asleep!

Today was a little harder. It's the most I've heard about it in a long time. It's big right now. It's all around me. But i have to keep fighting the urge. I can do it.

Today was a slow/not super busy but productive. We had our staff meeting like every normal Tuesday. It was a good meeting and actually i would have to say it was one of our shortest meetings ever! I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure it was. Either way we got a lot accomplished in such a short time. After the staff meeting me, Chris and Jordan ate some lunch and hung out for a little while.

Patrick and Ashley came around lunch time and me, Chris and Patrick worked on some CCYC stuff...which is coming around (even though there has been some last minute touches). It's going to be a great conference and a lot of work has gone into the planning of this event. Which actually helps transition me into what we did tonight for theWIRE. We only had a few students again tonight but it was good because we worked some more on the drama part of the conference which we are having our High School small group help out with. So we just focused/worked on that for theWIRE. I must say (even though it too was last min.) it is looking good! The teens are going to do a great job. These skits could easily be some of the most encouraging, spiritual, inspiring part of the conference. I can't wait to see it in full swing.

After me, Aaron and Katey were hanging out in theLOFT for a few mins., actually waiting for Brenden to come get his book bag that he left (surprise), and Aaron gets a concerned call from his mom. Long story short Maria thought she heard someone come in the house but there was no one here. That's why she was concerned and why we rushed home. Everything was good and we all checked to make sure no one was in the house. But it was a little scary at first. After that the rest of my night consisted of hanging out with Aaron, watching a little basketball and checking out some new bands and some new music online. It was good to have a brodeo after having been gone for about a week.

Today was good, a little different, but productive! But now that it is almost 2 in the morning (and should have been in bed a long time ago. I'm an idiot cause i have to be up at 7 and at the church by 8) it is time to pass out...so...peace out!

I have to just resist the urge...be strong even when it's at it's greatest potential. It won't be as long as it has been!

"Scoffers, like fools, are those who know right from wrong and choose to do what is wrong. But scoffers go step further. They criticize the wise." -Andy Stanley